Thank you for your question!
Dear soul,
For most healthy males there is a period of “automatic arousal time” usually at early morning hours. Here is a chance for “unconscious” emissions to occur. If you keep the healthy habit of waking up early, let us say 3:30 am or so, meditate and then exercise, cook, etc; that time of arousal will not be there. To be able to wake up at 3:30 AM, you will need to go to bed early; which as we know is another healthy habit.
“Normal” people retire to bed after midnight. In Spirituality every hour before midnight will only increase the quality of your sleep.
Sleeping need varies according to individuals, thus; find how many hours you need and work it out accordingly.
Another unrelated advice to your question, but very important to keep your sleep time profound and sound, is to turn off all electronic devices in your bedroom. Unplug them completely. Phones should be out of your bedroom even if they are not connected to a power source. Their electromagnetic field will interfere at the time that “you” leave your body to sleep; thus you will feel tired when you wake up.
I learned this tip from a wise friend of mine. It works like a charm.
Best wishes!
Filed under: Questions Tagged: arousal, celibacy, interference of sleep, sleep