Channel: Exploring the Depth of Spiritual Knowledge » celibacy
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Question for June 13, 2013 – Celibacy


Can anybody tell me how long you need to practice celibacy in order to experience it’s benefits?

Dear soul,

Since “anybody” is not available today to answer your question; avyakt7 will do it this time. :-)

You will experience the benefits of celibacy the first moment you decide to “do it,” that is; your will power will be exercised truly the “first time.” That is benefit.

The next day, you will get hell. But still benefit. The following days… further hell but still benefit… until “hell” changes into “heaven” gradually as you learn to deal with sex lust only if your “will power” has transformed into deep feelings from the heart (Good feelings and pure wishes for “others”) then, sex lust will be gone.

If you call that “benefit,” it could take you 1 second or a lifetime or something in between. It is up to you.

Avyakt7 took 5 years to believe that he had conquered sex lust. Then, another 5 years to prove it through life tests.

You will be tested from day 1…that is a benefit. :-)

Best wishes!

Filed under: Questions Tagged: benefits of celibacy, celibacy, deep feelings, good feelings, sex-lust

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